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Baby blue and Gold Macaw

23 10:12:28


  I have recently purchased 5mth old blue and gold macaw. Before we purchased it we went and visited  a few times. It didn't take long for us to make our decision. We couldn't say no to this loving little baby. The transition went well until about a couple of days ago. Tiki started to puff his head feathers and make a constant soft squawk, and at each squawk he will flip his wings. Does this action sound familiar to you? To me he sound like a baby bird. I think he is doing it to get attention. I noticed if i don't come running he will stop or do it less frequent. I feed him Harrison pellets, seed, veggies and lots more. He is very willing to try something new as long as he sees me eat it ( LOL ). That being said I don't think he is doing it bebcause he is hungry. I guess my biggest consern is that I train and socialize him well so that he grows up to be a happy, healthy and friendly bird. Do you have any advice on how i can do that? Any advice welcome. Thank You.


What a good owner you are already! At this age your companion is still very much a baby.  What you're seeing is exactly what you suspect, his/her attention getting, hoping to be fed like a baby.  Though the bird is old enough to be weaned, it's right on the borderline.  I'd prefer a bird be a couple months older before going to a new home, but you're doing just fine.

Please take a look at my site for more about how to keep it up (there's far too much information to list here) and see pics of our birds too.

Feel free to submit a pic of your little one as well.

And of course I'll answer any questions you may have right here, any time.