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First Parrot

23 10:31:17

So I have finally made the decision to get my first parrot. I want a smaller parrot, probably no bigger than a large amazon. Anyways any suggestion for a first time bird? I have the time, and patience to work with more active species as I am home all day. Also I have found a lady near me who breeds Lilac Crowned Amazons- would that be a good first bird, I read they are quiter than most amazons? Any ways any help in that regards would be great - Ashley  

Hi, Ashley.  Thanks for posting.

Amazons are great parrots, but moody and other little squirks.  Not so sure there's such a thing as a quiet amazon!  They are very vocal several times per day, so if noise could be a problem, you might want to reconsider amazons.  Not sure they are so great as a first bird mainly because you're going to be putting out a good sum of money for an amazon without knowing much in general about caring for parrots.  You might want to stick with a smaller, less expensive bird at first until you become more knowledgeable about parrots and how to care for them properly.  Sometimes first-time parrot owners run out and spend lots of money on a big bird and then the bird becomes sick and dies because the owner wasn't knowledgeable enough...I wouldn't want to see this happen.  OR you could learn all you can about birds and then make your selection.  

It would help to know more about your lifestyle, as certain parrots don't fit in certain situations.  Do you have any other pets?  Do you have any children?  Do you know anything about keeping parrots?  Are there any avian veterinarians in your area and can you afford vet care?  Will you have any problems with noise level?  Does the breeder handfeed her amazons?  Would you be able to provide a large enough cage with everything a parrot would need?  Any additional details will help.

Also, you might want to read my website for info on parrots to give you some more insight:

Get back to me when you can.  Thanks.
