Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > green fischerslove birds

green fischerslove birds

23 10:32:44

i have pair of green fischerslovebird.want2 know:
1)as they r4months old when will they lay eggs?
2)they only eat sunflower seeds but donot eat any fruits or vegetables if given so what should bdone?
3)how 2train them so that they wont bite&also come and play with me?

Sorry for delay - I've been abroad and unable to access my mail.

1. Normally lovebirds of any species do not lay eggs until about 9 moths old, and often later.

2. This is due to poor feeding in infancy.  Keep providing a wide variety of food and less sunflower seed,  and be very, very patient.

3. Two lovebirds will only have a relationship with each other and are only ever likely to play with each other.