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my new budgie

23 10:30:11

I just got a parakeet from petco, I,ve been told he is a boy, and I love him. The problem is that when I first got him, I was so ankoius to hold him that I tried to havehim climb unto my fingures. I've been doing a lot of research, so I knew what to do, but he wasn't ready, and now whenever I come close he movesso that I cant stroke him through the bars anymore.I havnt had him for longer than 48 hours, but I'm afraid that i might have scared him for life! Please help! I just want a sweet little bird!

Hi, Lydia.  Thanks for posting!

How old is your new keet?  Do you know if the keet was handfed as a baby, i.e., did the pet shop say if the bird was tame or not (do you think he's tame at all or just afraid)?

You really need to allow your new keet some more time to get used to his new surroundings in your home and to get used to you.  48 hours isn't much time after a move.  

If this bird were tame, he should have gotten right up on your finger with no problem.  Doesn't sound like this is what happened?  What happened when you tried to get him to climb onto your fingers?  

When you say you can no longer stroke him through the cage bars any more, is this how you tried to have him get up on your finger?  Have you tried letting him outside his cage yet to see just what happens?  Are his wing flight feathers clipped?

I need more information in order to help you.  The more details the better.  Thanks.
