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parrot safe washable cover for table

23 10:10:44

Hi,  I've built a parrot play stand of PVC pipe, untreated pine perch and a table of unknown wood.

I would like to cover the table of unknown wood so it would be parrot safe and I could clean it easily.

Would shelf paper be safe?

A classic, easily disposable medium to cover anything and nearly everything is newspaper.

An old, clean shower curtain also works, but if there's magnet rounds in the hem of it, cut them out.  A plastic tablecloth is also good.

For the most part, birds don't actually eat these items - and if they chew it or rip it, they usually decide it doesn't taste very good and don't bother pursuing it.  Especially true if you've provided them another chewing option.

 Sounds like you've made a great little play stand.

Be sure the pvc perch is easy to grip - you can wrap some duct tape (wrinkle it a bit) every here and there to help with grip.
  Also consider inserting a natural branch into the pvc coupling to serve as a perch.  It takes some experimenting to make the fit, but it's not that difficult.

 Sometimes it's easier to fit the branch into the pvc pipe and then into the coupling.

 Natural branches like pine, manzanita, most fruit woods (except for avocado of course) are good.  Be sure they're not pesticide treated and if you secure them yourself, go through the usual scrubbing with bleach and hot water - rinsing, drying - scrubbing again and rinsing/drying again.  

 There's more options and photos here