Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > baby robin

baby robin

23 10:18:22

i have a baby robin and i cant find any worms or bugs. what else could i feed

Baby robins don't just eat worms or bugs, even though that's what many people think. How old is this one? Does it have its feathers in and you can tell it's a robin? How was it found? Was it learning to fly when it was found?

If these things are true, then being in human captivity might lead to the bird's death.
 If you're not experienced with baby birds and exactly how to feed them, not just what to feed them, they aren't likely to survive.
 Also, it's illegal in most states to have wildlife in your possession unless you're a wildlife rehabilitator.
 I know your heart is in the right place and that's what's important. By doing the right thing you might have to give the bird up, but it would show you really care for the bird more than you care about yourself. (how to find a wildlife rehab in your area)

You're doing a very wonderful thing in trying to save this little one. Thank you