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White-Fronted Amazon?

23 10:18:23

Hi!  I recently ran into a White-Fronted Amazon in the local pet store.  However, I've only had small birds (cockatiels and lovebirds).  I'm worried I don't know how to properly care for him.  He could step-up but was a little bit hand-shy.  Have you had any experience with these kinds of amazons?  What is a proper diet for an amazon?  I have a large finch "aviary cage" but am worried that he might be able to bite through the bars.  Thanks for your time!

You're right about the finch cage not being right for a parrot of this size and strength. Amazons are wonderful birds, very good mimics, but without proper socialization can select just one or two people to bond to and be nearly impossible for others to handle or get close to.

 Amazons will eat similar foods as your 'tiels and lovebirds. A mostly pelleted diet with about 20% quality seed (no sunflower) and daily supplemental feedings of fresh greens like mustard greens, kale, spinach; also, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes/yams, melons, berries, beans, whole grains.  I've got an outline of care for birds like this at my page:  (click on 'birds')

And you can see the type of cage you need too.