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My 11 month old Scarlet Macaw

23 10:14:58

My macaw,Lola, is molting and is becoming completely bald in about 4 places.  Is this part of the molting process and will I see the feathers growing back or can this be a nutritional problem?  I try to give her all the right foods and I put a mineral supplement in her drinking water, but she doesn't seem to be eating much more than a little of the fresh fruits and veggies I feed her each day and she is very picky about what she eats of her Macaw Mix from the pet store.  I buy the best stuff but I can't make her eat it.Please help.  She is my first pet bird.

hi. thanks for your question! the molting pattern that you are describing does not sound normal at all and i would take her to the vet asap.  when birds molt, you will notice feathers on the cage floor and perhaps a "scruffier" looking bird but you should not be seeing complete bald patches anywhere at all.  this could be indicative that she is either feather-picking (see for more info on this condition) or could be suffering from an underlying illness.  a molt should not result in the bird losing enough feathers to where she has bald spots.  please make an appointment and take her to a vet, preferably an avian vet, as soon as possible.  
it sounds like you are trying your best to supplement her diet. picky bird eating is a problem but if you are giving her vitamins and she is eating at least some of her food, she should be getting adequate nutrition to support her through a molt. only a vet can determine the cause of her feather loss as sometimes birds can have bacterial/viral diseases or behavioral problems leading to feather plucking. like i said, please take her to the vet asap. also, try and keep her as warm as possible so the bald patches do not lead to a secondary illness. good luck and let me know how it goes!  alicia