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budgie scared and not happy

23 10:29:45

how do i stop my budgie from being scared? he is not happy andd it makes me
sad that he is unhappy how can i finger-tame him so he will take food from my

thank you for your question.
You will need time and patience and millet spray. Budgies love it and will do almost anything for it. Offer the millet in your hand, best outside the cage so that the budgie doesn't feel threatened and wait. He will come sooner or later to eat and will learn that way that you won't harm him. Clicker training is also a good bird training method. Basically, you wait until the bird does something you want (like coming closer to your hand or letting your hand near him without flying away), then you click (with a Clicker or a pen, for example) and offer a treat. As long as the bird doesn't eat from your hand, use a small bowl and first click and offer a treat several times so that the budgie can learn where to find the treat. I recommend joining the click bird list for more information on this:

When you have tamed your budgie, I do recommend getting him a friend. Budgies need a lot of attention and entertainment and get lonely and bored very fast. With two birds, you don't have to worry about that. The new budgie will learn being tame from the old one, these little birds are very curious and tend to imitate each other's behaviour.
I hope I was of some help to you