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Orange Winged Amazon - biting

23 10:15:38

Hi Dianna,

I bought my parrot 2 weeks ago,she is 1 1/2 years old and has been hand reared, so is semi tamed.Although she and I are getting on really well and love each others attention when I come home from work. Over the weekend I had been trying to teach her the step up command. What is baffling me is I would offer my finger and she would give me one of her feet but as soon as she steps her foot on my finger she would bite me so hard and then return to her perch.I did not react and said 'no' in a calm deep voice.She did draw blood (ouch). I did try again after a while but she would move away. Would you know why she acted that way as it was only her and me in the room and all was quiet.thank you for your help.

Hello Pascak and thank you for your post.
Try using a pair of leather welding gloves.  It could be that your new friend doesn't feel like she can get a good enough of a solid grip on your finger or hand, and if she really wants to put some strength behind it, it will be painful for you and you might pull your hand away.
I know that her bites hurt, my Amazon has accidently gotten me before.  I do use leather welding gloves to handle him.

Good luck and God Bless.