Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > i have a question :D

i have a question :D

23 10:18:13

QUESTION: when its the right time to teach my quaker parrot to learn how to talk

and um what can i do to stop him to get scare of his new toys

ANSWER: Hello Kathy, He is learning to talk every day that you talk to him.When you walk into the room say Hi! and his name, spend time with him, name favorite foods as you give them to him. Having fun with him as you do daily tasks around the house is the best way I have found to give him language. Let him hear you talk to other people on the phone. But most of all,have fun with him!! Let him come with you as you walk around.And if he never talks, he will still think the sun rises and sets for you.And you will know he is a being that loves you. What more can we ask for!His world is you he has nothing else.So make his life wonderful! Best wishes, Christy

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QUESTION: why does my parrot get afraid when  i buy him a new toy?
ANSWER: Kathy, sorry I have sooo many questions that I am told I am behind.First, parrots are a prey animal(you can tell because they have eyes on the sides of their heads and you are not because you have eyes in front of yours )Anyway, if you are going to be some animals lunch than you should always be on guard for preditors, anything out of the ordinary is something that could kill you ,like a new super cool expensive bird toy that just came into your cage to eat you!!!!! So it will take you an hour or a day or 6 months to find that it is fun to destroy!!! So wait a month and then 2 or more and one day it will be an itty bitty piece of nothing and it will have done what it was made to do, keep you bird sane!!!! Imagine having nothing to do for hours and days and years- I don't know about you but I would pull out all of my feathers and bite people, wouldn't you? So make his life FUN! All my best to you and your baby! Christy

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this is like if something can happen

if i buy a new quaker parrot but blue and i already have a green quaker parrot and both of my parrots are a female and a male

so can something come wrong and their babies be like sick or anything like that because of the parents been in different colors

i am worried

No, they would not have anything wrong with them. The offspring would be green but have the blue gene in them. If you breed the half blue half green babies with another blue you would get about 3/4 of the offspring blue also. That is how they breed more blue quakers. I hope this helps you. Have a great day! Christy