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Parakeet behavior

23 10:31:12

Hello Dianna,
My friends female parakeet is doing something very unusual.  She's taking only the pink strings out of a woven toy with great effort and weaving them into something that looks like a pink felt circle around her perch.  Then she created another circle through that one still only using the pink strings.  Now she seems to be incorporating some pieces of wood into it too.  What is she up to?
Thanks so much for any light you can shed on this,

Hello Anne.
It sounds like your friend's parakeet is building a nest.  She may be getting ready to lay eggs.
As to why she is only using the pink strings, that is just probably the color that she prefers.  She has picked her favorite color, which is not unusual.
I have one bird the only likes red, and one that only likes yellow.  The others that I have have their favorite colors, but they don't mind a different colored toy being put into their cages.

I hoped this answered your question.

Good luck and God Bless.