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Question for Cockatiel Expert Carly

23 10:29:33

How do I get him past his fear of me?  
Three months with me.  I have a quiet and calm home.  His cage (not hung as it is so heavy)is in a corner on its stand near the action.  A partial view of a window.  I have managed to get him to eat pellets.  He gets 10-12 hours of sleep.  He sings and postures as if happy until humans approach.  Hisses at my hands going in cage or covering cage at night.  Will get hysterical if I move things around to much in his cage.  Takes three weeks to play with a new toy - if ever.  This is my plan... take him to vets in his huge cage and get wings clipped and health check.  When settled from that experience (days later) open cage door for an hour or so (cats must be locked up) each day with T stand in front wrapped with Millet (his favorite) and wait and wait and wait (I am very patient).  Or I could scare him every day of his life by using a towel to grab him up and place him on top of his cage daily, weeks later the floor and gently scoop him and replace to cage top, weeks later place him on my arm.  This could take months I'm sure (not a problem for me).  He is so far from trying step up training... how can you train to step up when your bird is horrified by interaction?  I have trained horses before and you can get there fast by forcing them but you will always lose trust.  Despite the massive size difference I really don't think prey animals are all that different.  I think I will just take backward steps with this bird if I force it.
Suggestions welcome from an expert!

Dear Sandra,
I have a handfed Cockatiel and he loves his head scratched and loves to be on my shoulder. If you want your Cockatiel to like you just follow the steps I have below.

* Show him that your hand is good, not evil.(hold food that your Cockatiel loves and feed it to him.)

*Talk very calmly to him and smile at him. Do not talk loud, just peacefully.

* While your Cockatiel is in his cage talk to him, whistle, be friendly to him.

* Never yell or be loud, if you are loud he will just be more frightened of you.
If this info does not help you you could ask a vet.
Good Luck,
and email me if there is any progress!
