Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > grey weiro about 9 years old

grey weiro about 9 years old

23 10:11:38

has been put on antibiotics for blood from bottom how long do you continue treatment. Also losing feathers from head so there is now a significant bald patch.. Is this of any concern. Thanks

Hi, Julie,

Your bird should remain on the antibiotics for the length of time your certified avian veterinarian told you to keep the bird on the antibiotics.  Antibiotics must remain in the body for a certain length of time at a certain level in order to be effective AND the antibiotic must be the correct antibiotic for what ails the bird.  The feather loss could be due to the medicine, stress, or from another bird overpreening this bird or a combination of any of the above.  Could also be attributed to poor diet and a number of other factors.  I would need further details in order to assist.
