Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Timneh Grey habit

Timneh Grey habit

23 10:15:08

QUESTION: My parrot sometimes makes a funny noise with its mouth as if it is wheezing then puts its wings forward and keeps putting one foot onto mine and then sometimes pretends it is feeding my hand, is this a mating habit as I cannot find any reference to this?

ANSWER:  This does sound like a mating behavior. Is it recent? Do you know the age of your bird? If it's a male or female?

Take a look here to see if you notice anything (look into 'egg laying' for ideas about how to discourage the behavior even though there's no egg laying) - and check back with me to follow up here.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My parrot is about 6 years old now, I think it is a male but not sure

I'd have the DNA/genetic profile done to be sure of sex. It's really not that expensive, usually less than $25.00 and can also forewarn you of any possible proneness to disease.  I have all of my birds done and then make them a little "birdy birth certificate".  Since they'll probably outlive me, it's a very helpful thing to have for the next owner, even if it's a family member who inherits them.
 Tips for curbing this behavior can be found under "egg laying" at (click the bird tab).

 Sounds like you're doing a great job!