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Odd breeding behaviour

23 10:33:48


I wonder if you can help me.
I have a pair of Solomon Island Eclectus. My male is 4yrs old and
my female is almost 2.  They are bonded and he readily feeds
her! This would be the first time they breed. I have had them
both since they were very young.
They are both hand raised and are lovely pets. They are housed
in an aviary with plenty of room and toys.

I have not given them a nesting box yet but want to in the near
future.The only problem is Instead of him mounting her
correctly his tail basically ends up on her breast. So he is doin it
back to front. Have you seen this behaviour before? Do you think
he will eventually get it right?
I have been advised that if at all possible to get him to see two
birds mating correctly. Do you think it will work even if they are

I hope you can give me some insight and advice into this
Your input will be greatly appreciated!

South Africa

Hello Nico,

Well it is too soon to breed them I think. I'm pretty sure they should be around 4-5 years old, the hen especially needs to be older, they take longer to develop fully than males do.

I think you could give it a shot, allowing him to see 2 cockatiels mating, its better than nothing. And he might just get the hint. I haven't ever had this problem before, but know it isn't uncommon. It is just due to inexperience, and he does need a step in the right direction. Its hard to say if he'll ever get it right, but in most cases, they do. The influence of other birds can do a great deal for them!!!

If they were handfed, this could also be something that has impacted them. It's all about their instincts really, so it may be partly the females fault, if she ever gets into the mood, then she might put him in his place. lol.

But, here's hoping the male gets it after a while. Mating just takes practice for them to get it right. When he finally does do it the right way, he might not make proper contact with the female, therefore your first clutch or two might be clear eggs.

Hope I've helped you out some!
