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sun conures living together

23 10:14:55

I have an 8 year old sun conure that I believe is male.  I have been offered an egg laying female because they do not want to care for her.  My question is if Conures take to other birds well, or if I am going to have a fight on my hands?  What if they are both female?  I would like to give my bird company not an enemy.

Hi. Thanks for your question. First of all, it is good that you are aware of the fact that your birds may not "get along" and display aggressive/fearful behavior toward one another. in general, two birds, regardless of species or gender, have the potential to be aggressive toward one another.  usually, birds who have not been raised together can get quite territorial.  Additionally, females can become especially territorial when they come in to sexual maturity and are preparing to lay eggs (females can lay eggs regardless of whether or not there is a male present). it is important to be aware of how many different situations can lead to aggression in birds.  
if your first sun conure is 8 years old and has not laid eggs, there is a good chance he is a male.  placing the male and the egg laying female together will be an obvious issue because you may end up with baby sun conures to care for. furthermore, if the pair bonds, they may not want to spend as much time with their "human" flock. my main concern though would be the fact that you may end up with baby sun conures to raise and although it is rewarding, it is very time consuming work. plus, you would have to find homes for them all.  
in general, it is better safe than sorry and you should keep them separate. You can keep them in separate cages next to each other to at least allow them to see/hear one another and keep each other "company" when you aren't at home. I would discourage attempting to put them together at all if you are seeing aggression/fearfulness. Birds can get aggressive and kill one another.  Again, I suggest you just put their cages together so that they can get "used" to one another but not run the risk of a bird being injured, killed, or become stressed/scared. Good luck and let me know how it goes! alicia