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behavior of a Amazon Parrot toward a B&G Macaw.

23 10:12:07

Dear Dr. Abbott,
We have both a Blue-front Amazon Parrot and a Blue and Gold Macaw.  The parrot is a 24 year old Female that we have had for 6 years; the macaw is 7 year old male that we have had for 6 years also.  We cannot let the parrot out of her cage if the macaw is also out.  The parrot attacks the macaw every chance it gets.  The macaw, so far, has just taken it.  Is there anyway that the behavior of Ms. Maggie the parrot can be modified to be more tolerant of her big blue "friend" or are they going to enemies for ever?  Thanks and God bless!

Rev. Joel+

Ahh, but just because they don't embrace doesn't mean they're enemies. It's not unusual for us to tolerate our own next door neighbors until they enter our home without an invitation. Then watch out!  Even when invited, it's "our space" and we do things to make sure that's clear.

The Amazon, by nature, is more aggressive than a blue and gold which is one of the easiest going of the macaw family.  My in house permanent rescue Sadie didn't get the memo though and is constantly doing exactly what you describe, but to her smaller 'sister', a severe macaw.  

 My remedy is to maintain their two separate, but close cages and when they're on the free perches (which is 7 or more hours a day) they are not within reach of each other.

 They constantly chatter and 'joke' with each other, but share a perch or cage?  Not even close.

  When it comes to these remarkably intelligent birds, the only behavior we ever really end up modifying is our own.

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