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Breeding synical parrots

23 10:33:43

I have a 12 year old male and a 9 uear old female, I know that they are more able to breed from nov to march but can breed all year round.  what I need to know is  are my parrots to old to breed and how am I suppose to go about bredding them? Do they need to be in the same cage 24/7 or just for a while everyday? I know that I need to get a nesting box and things of that source but I am not sure If I am going about things the right way.

Hi, Jodie.  Thanks for posting your questions.

I think you might be referring to Senegal parrots (versus "synical" parrots)?

Normally, a parrot's breeding cycle begins in the springtime and runs until fall, although some parrot species can be bred year round, if conditions are right in their environment.

Your Senegals are not too old to breed, provided they are in good health.  First of all, you have to ensure you have a true male/female pair (  They have to be pair-bonded before they will even think about breeding with each other.  This means they have to be compatible with each other.  When you see the male feeding the female, or vice versa, they are most likely pair-bonded.  They do other things together also, like sleep closely together on the same perch, preen each other, etc.---affectionate behavior toward each other.  Yes, you'll have to keep them together in the same cage 24/7 before they can even begin the pair bonding process, and they should stay in the same cage together even after babies have come and gone if they are a bonded pair.  Most parrots bond for life (or until their human splits them up for some reason or the birds decide they don't like each other any more).  

Once you know that the pair have pair-bonded to each other, you can set up a nestbox for them.  Nestboxes are a available at pet shops that cater to birds and also on the internet, etc.  

You have a lot to learn before breeding your pair of Senegals.  I recommend you learn as much as possible about the breeding process, baby parrots, handfeeding baby parrots (what do you plan to do with any babies), and Senegals in general, etc., etc., BEFORE letting your birds breed...not AFTER.  After is usually too late when/if something goes wrong.  

My website can get you started on this process if you want to visit:

To learn more about Senegals in general, use Google and search using "Senegal parrots."  Lots of websites on the internet.

Come back if you have questions.  Thanks.
