Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > cockatiel poo

cockatiel poo

23 10:23:44

Ok so everyone that has egg laying birds knows that their poo gets all nast when they are laying my question is Misty hasn't layed an egg in 8 days and still had huge nasty smelly poos! I was wondering how long after eggs it should take to return to normal??? I am thinking about taking her to the vet when she finishes the medicine he gave us that should be if it hasn't changed in a week cuz I was wondering if the medicine could cause her to be runny? Anyways I just need advice about how long it take's yalls birds to return to normal thanks

I'm sorry to have not gotten back to you sooner, but there was a problem on my end with the system.

Is Misty still having this problem?

What sort of food is she typically on?  How about fresh food?
 Is there a male ?  Why is she laying?