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parrot feather

23 10:30:30

Dear Jess:
My 25 year old double yellow head just began having problems with his new tail feathers this recent molt. The feather sheath is extremely tough, almost like plastic, so he is unable to crumble the sheath when he preens his feathers. I have to use scissors to cut the sheath,it is that strong. So far it's only 3-4 tail feathers that are affected. He is a very finicky eater. Is this problem due to a nutritional deficiency?

Thank you for any information you can give me.


Well if your bird has had an unbalanced diet for 25 years chances are it could be related. I wouldnt advise cutting the feathers as this can irritate them and cause your bird to start plucking out the feathers, maybe its time for a trip to the vet who will be able to advise you about the diet if thats the cause. good luck