Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > My parakeets look scared/bored

My parakeets look scared/bored

23 10:20:47

QUESTION: Hello, I recently bought 2 parakeets, about 1 week ago. No idea about the age, I think one is a female (yellow/green) and the other one is a male (blue). I am not sure if they are scared or bored. The are usually standing on the perch and do nothing! They don't sing or make any noises and they seem to be stressed out because they move their wings very often. I feel so bad! I was told to cover them until they get used to the noises in the room, but for how long should I do that? I was also told to put give them a bath once a week because they love that but I don't want to scare them even more by putting my hands inside their cage! The blue one seems more comfortable because he plays sometimes (not often) with the mirror and bell they have in the cage but the yellow one seems moody. The blue one tries to peck the feathers of the other bird and the yellow one gets really mad. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANSWER: Hi Viviana,

There are several things in your questions that I can offer advice on. First and most importantly is that you really need to do a lot more research on bird care and behaviors. My website has links to excellent resources to get you started. I also recommend that you buy the book The Companion Parrot Handbook by Sally Blanchard and subscribe to a monthly magazine such as Bird Talk.

Have you taken your birds in for an avian veterinary exam yet? This should be a first step for all new birds. You birds may just be adjusting to their new home or they may be sick. Therefore they must be seen by an avian veterinarian.

You say they move their wings often? Is this a sort of quick fluttering motion with the wings held to their sides? This can be a baby begging behavior or they are having problems thermoregulating, a sick bird symptom. Is it possible these birds are not fully weaned? Here is an article about weaning that can help you with this:

Unless your birds are cowering in fear in a corner at the back of the cage, I see no reason to cover them. Budgies are prey animals. They would never be found in a covered or enclosed area except when nesting. They prefer to be out in the open with an easy escape route to protect themselves from predators. Covering them can make them feel trapped and vulnerable.

Baths for birds can be offered via a shallow water dish or they can be misted by a spray bottle or hose. For bathing there is no need for your hands to be anywhere near them.

There are a few reasons as to why the blue one is pecking the yellow one. This list includes:

1. Your birds do not have enough space. A cage for two budgies needs to be 24"x24"x24" at a minimum, larger is better.
2. The blue bird is sick and instead of plucking is own feathers is plucking the yellow one's.
3. The yellow bird is sick and the blue on is trying to push him out of the flock (normal wild bird behavior.)
4. They are not comfortable with you yet and the blue one is protecting the yellow by trying to push him away from you.

I hope this has given you some insight into your birds.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for you answer, it really helped. We bought a bigger cage
(almost double) and they seem to be more comfortable. I also took them
outside for a little sun and they started making different noises (actually a
nicer singing) I noticed today that the blue bird was feeding the yellow bird,
at least that is what it seemed like. I also read that some birds do that. What
does that mean? How can I tell if the yellow bird is a baby? Also, I was trying
to clean the cage today, but I can't really clean it if the birds are there, where
do I put them while I clean the cage? and Lastly, do they drink water? I have
seem they eating but never drinking water.....thanks in advance!

Hello Again,

I'm glad to hear the changes are making a difference. It sounds like your birds are really settling in.

Birds do feed each other as part of mating behavior, this is normal behavior. Budgies are considered adults at the age of 9 months. They go through there first molt at about 4 months. The wing beating you witnessed could also have been mating behavior.

Since I don't know what kind of cage you have for this answer I will assume you have a standard parakeet cage with a grate on the bottom and a tray underneath. Use newspaper in the tray and change that daily. You can use a toothbrush to scrap he droppings off the grate daily. If you do this slowly, calmly, and everyday your birds will get used to it.

For monthly scrubbing of the cage you should remove the birds and put them in a small container or box. The best way to do this if they are not training is to take the cage into a small bathroom. Turn off the lights (and close the toilet lid.)and remove all the perches and toys from the cage. They you can reach in with a towel to grab them. (You will see your avian vet use this technique.)

Yes, birds drink water, you have probably just missed it.

Do take a look at the links on my website, I know you will find the information interesting and helpful.
