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Bourkes, love birds, tiels and budgies

23 10:35:44


Would a bourkes parakeet, a cockatiel, a budgie and a love bird get along during out of cage time or would they fight? Is it possable to house them all in one large cage together or would they end up with battle scars?

Lovebirds should never be housed with any other species of bird. ever.

Lovebirds can be extremelly aggressive towards other birds (even other lovebirds). So their housing set-ups/situations need to be strictly monitored.

As a general rule, it is recomended to keep birds of different species in seperate cages. However, I can't think of a reason why bourke parakeets and cockatiels couldn't coexist. However, sometimes budgies can be too aggressive for the mellow cockatiels/bourke parakeets. Budgies propbably have the most diverse temperments of any parrot.... some budgies are mellow, gentle and quiet. Others are outgoing, loud, aggressive, etc...

I hope this helps.
