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My unweaned baby cockatiel

23 10:22:35

Hi. I just got a baby cockatiel that is about 8 weeks old.  I'm a little bit confused as of how I'm supposed to go about with the weaning because I've seen he doesn't get as excited when I'm going to feed him (zupreem embrace hand feeding formula).  He's feeding in the mornings and evenings.  He's not crying out for food and he barely eats 8ccs.  I've seen him eating his zupreem cockatiel pellets and millet, but I don't know if it's enough.  I'm also giving him vegetables.   The last time he was weighed was on Saturday and he weighed 91 grams.  Don't really know if this means he doesn't need the formula anymore and I don't know what to do.

Also, I was wondering what kind of "bedding" I should put on his cage. Gravel or pellets?
thanks for your help

Hello, He is weaning himself they will ignore the feeding tool and run away from it when they no longer want more do Not force the issue. Bedding I use newspapers for teh bottom pans of my bird cages gravel isnt needed by parrots and if swollowed can cause blockages that does not happen in soft billed birds. I reccomend a thick layer of paper towles if he still spends alot of his time on the cage floor.