Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Handfed love bid and hand fed cockatiel... mix for playtime?

Handfed love bid and hand fed cockatiel... mix for playtime?

23 10:33:24

Hi, I have a peach faced handfed cockatiel and in the future(a few months) I'd like to get a white faced handfed cockatiel butwas wondering if my lovebird would attack the cockatiel when they are out of there cage for daily playtime? another thing I'd love to have is a albino budgie.... would my lovie kill him when there out of cage of both on my shoulders?  

I would keep an eye on them while they're out for playtime together. The lovebirds tend to be more aggressive than cockatiels. If they don't get along, simple solution, don't take them out at the same time, or if you do, don't leave them together unattended!

Same goes for the budgie with the lovebird. All play should be supervised. Definitely not a good idea to have a bird on each shoulder, a LOT more difficult to keep them apart and in control.
