Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > How do I tame my budgies?

How do I tame my budgies?

23 10:32:35

I have two keets, and I want to tame them. My oldest is Snickers, who is 3-4 years old, and the youngest is Baby Ruth, who is 6 months old.
Here are some questions
1) Are the ages a problem? Because I've heard that the older they are, the harder they'll tame.
2) Is the fact that they are together a problem? How will the two being together affect the taming process or our relationship?
  And another thing is: sometimes they dont mind my hand motionless in the cage, but sometimes they do. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it natrual behavior?


The older bird will probably be harder to tame. It is also harder to tame birds when they are kept together (because they have companionship already- and have no need for your attention really). However, this does not mean that you *can't* tame them... it just means that it might take longer and will require more patience. Birds kept by themselves are basically "starved" for attention... these extremely social animals need a flock to feel secure and happy, so many times their natural fear (because they are prey animals) will get over-ridden by the fact that they really want companionship.  

It is natural for birds to be fearful of humans. They are prey animals and big animals like us would be a threat to them in the wild (they are scared we want to hurt or eat them). It takes time to gain their trust and teach them that we are not going to hurt them.

I hope this helps.
