Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > not hatching eggs

not hatching eggs

23 10:31:35

I have a pair of sunconuas' parrots that when they laid their eggs they will sit on them untill they become ferital but then won't sit on them long enought for them to hatch. What causes them to do this and what can I do to change this behavior?

Hi, Corretta.  Thanks for posting.

I'm not sure I understand your post, but I'll try to answer based on what I think you might be asking.

Eggs are either fertile or unfertile when they are laid.  A parent bird sitting on them (incubating them) does not make them fertile or not.  The incubation process is a process whereby a fertile egg is developed after being laid.

What I think you might be saying is that your sun conures incubate their laid eggs for a period of time and then stop incubating them.  Parrots know whether their eggs are viable or not after a certain length of time of sitting on them.  If egg(s) are not viable, often times the parent bird(s) will stop incubating their eggs.  I'm not sure if this is what's going on in your situation because I don't really have enough information to help determine what's going on.  

Are these birds laying their eggs in a nesting box?  Would there be any reason why your sun conures might feel that their offspring would not be safe in their current environment (cat/dog/other disturbing them)?  Is this the only pair of birds in their cage?  Are you sure you have a male and female, pair-bonded pair of conures?

Depending on the reason(s) why they don't incubate their eggs, you may or may not be able to change their behavior.  

The more details you can provide, the better I'm able to help.
