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Whom to house with a budgie

23 10:30:25

I found a stray budgie a couple of weeks. He/she got a clean bill of health from the vet. I have been working on taming her.

I would like to get her a friend since everyone in the house is gine during the day (6-7 hours).

Should I get another budgie? What other birds are able to lve safely with her. I have had my eye on a hand fed bourkes parakeet at the local pet shop.
What do you think?


Hello and thank you for your questions,

Yes go ahead and get her a fiend but be sure to get a male bugie, females tend to fight. I wouldn't place any other bird then a budgie with a budgie as budgies tend to pick on othre birds... I once had a cockatiel handfed and a budgie together...the budgie would not stop peaking at the cockatiel feet.....they lasted only two days in the same cage.