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Best pet parrot for a single person

23 10:23:01

I am 35 yo single person that works 25-40 hrs a week after that I pretty much
like to be home. What would be some of the best options for a a pet parrot for a
person in my circumstance?

Hi, Roberto.  Thanks for posting!

I do not like to recommend parrot species for people.  I don't know enough about your lifestyle and likes and dislikes in order to provide a recommendation.  There are hundreds of parrot species out there to choose from!  I will say that if you have no experience with parrots, you need to stick with a smaller species for your first parrot until you gain more knowledge of parrot behavior, their requirements, etc., such as a cockatiel, Quaker, conure, or something along these lines.  Conures are generally loud/noisy parrots, so if you live in an apartment or place where noise could be a problem, avoid conures (and/or the larger parrots).  The more intelligent a parrot, the more time you need to devote to them every day, so avoid cockatoos, greys, macaws, some types of amazons, etc. because lack of human attention can result in feather plucking, screaming behavior and other problem areas.  However, like I said, this depends on the personality of the individual bird.  

I recommend you subscribe to a bird magazine, research the internet, visit local bird fairs/auctions/parrot breeders and get a feel for the types of parrots available in your area and ask questions of breeders, etc., in order to find the right bird for your personal situation.
