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handshy Maximilian Pionus

23 10:33:39

Hi Maggie,I hope you can help me. 2 weeks ago i got a 6 month old Maxi, i had him shipped from out of state and after i recieved him i found out he is totally handshy.The Breeder told me(after i recieved him) that she always catched him with both hands( poor little bird).He is so terrified of hands he dont even do step ups.
Otherwise he is very sweet, i got him to eat out of my hand now, he is not screaming anymore when i get in to its cage but he will not step up on to my hand for nothing.I love the little fellow and i like for him to be outside the cage but i know as long he dont want to come up to my hand i can not allow it.It probably will take a long time until he trust HAND but i was wondering if you got any advice and if there is a chance? I would really appreciate it, and please excuse my english, i am german, so i probably got a few words a little wrong.
Thank you so much for your help.

Hi Conny,

I'm sorry that this pionus came from such a lousy breeder. :(  I have a maximilian Pionus, and if raised correctly (or if given enough time and training later in life), these can be fantastic birds! They are, in my experience, senstive and can easily be hurt (emotionally) if handled roughly or without considering the bird's feelings. It may sound silly, but I have found my bird to get very depressed if I dare raise my voice at him.

Just given him lots of time and love and I'm sure your baby will come around. It might take months, but don't give up. :)  He is young and it sounds like you've already made a great amount of progress with him in just two short weeks. This bird is doing especially well for just being shipped and moved to a new home. I've heard of perfectly well-socialized parrots being completely tramatized by being shipped. Shipping is extremely stressful for these sensitive birds.  

Keep feeing him treats from your hand too. Pionus LOVE their food- it is truely the way to their hearts. ;)  You might also want to try getting your baby pionus to step up onto a hand-held stick/perch, instead of your hand. This will allow the baby to get used to being near your hand, and coming out of the cage... without actually being *on* your hand.

I hope this helps.

Some really good websites to check out for additional information are:

Good Luck! :) And remember that your time and energy will pay off- hopefully you will have this pionus for the next 30 to 40 years and they can make such wonderful companions.
