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lovebird bald patch..

23 10:15:15

hi..i have a lovebird i obtained for free because apparently she wasnt getting along w her other lovebird..(2 yrs ago) so she has been here alone and i know its a she cuz she has laid a few eggs..well now for a few months she has a bald patch of skin above her left wing...could this be depression as i just read a prior comment..she is alone..i would buy her a pal but afraid she may "hurt" it..
she is social w me but will bite if i put my hand in her cage...any suggestions..? help!

Hello Renee and thank you for your post.
Lovebirds are extremely territorial, and they will protect their territory to the death.  Do not put your hand into her cage.  She will attack it because this is her territory she is protecting it.  You will get some nasty bites.
The bald patch could be from from many different things.  Have you changed her diet?  If so, you might want to change it back as there might be something that doesn't agree with her body.
She could have parasites, but if it is just the one area that she is plucking, then that is unlikely, but she should be checked by a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet jsut to be on the safe side.
It could be environment.  Is there something in the air that is different?  Any kind of scented candles, room/carpet fresheners, or perfumes could irritate her skin and cause her to pluck her own feathers out.
Finally, there is depression and boredom.  This is most likely her problem because of the are bieng isolated as it is, but there must be a change, or it will get worse.
How much time a day is she out of her cage?  Lovebirds need more time out of their cage than a Parakeet or Cockatiel (which is at least an hour and a half a day).  Lovebirds are also very smart.  Try teaching her some tricks.  She'll have fun learning new things, and she'll love to practice these new tircks.
She might love some new brightly colored, bird-safe toys.  Puzzle type toys that she can take apart will give her a challenge (such as a rawhide shoe that she has to unlace) and it will be mentally stimulating for her.
If you get her a "pal", she will more than likely kill it if it goes into the same cage with her, so if you wanted to get her a friend, then be sure that there is no way that she would be able to get to it.

Please feel free to come back with any more questions.

Good luck and God Bless.