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how to tame my bird ?

23 10:23:41

i would like to know how to tame my Indian ring neck parakeet. I have had her for about 1 week now and she still doesn't trust me. I would like to know how to get my bird trust me, and i would like to know how to get her to sit on your finger.


Hi, Mike.  Thanks for posting!

How old is your ringneck?  Did you buy from a parrot breeder or from a pet store?  Was your bird handfed as a baby?  

If you've only had this bird for 1 week, this is most likely not enough time for her to settle down in her new environment in your home and get used to you yet.  It takes time and patience for a bird to get acclimated to a new home and new human.  I recommend you give her more time.  

Here are a couple of websites to get you started in learning what you need to know in order to work with your bird:

Come back with any additional questions.
