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Aggressive hen tiel

23 10:08:19

I have a 6 year old female cockatiel and a 1 year old female cockatiel
They share a cage and have shared it for almost a year. The cage is 3ft x 2 ft x 3ft

As of a few days ago, Gabi (the 6 yr old) has been chasing Willow (1 yr old) and pulling her feathers, not letting her eat or drink, etc.

I have no idea why :(
WhT could be the reasons?

At the moment I have Gabi separated from Willow.

ANSWER: You've just described rather typical territorial behavior.  Willow has become sexually mature and Gabi is keeping her out of her space, or trying to.

I always keep psittacines (parrots like 'tiels and others) separated, but in the same room so they can still enjoy each others company.  It's really safest this way - and they are more likely to stay bonded to YOU.

 Take a look here for pics of the girls

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi.. Gabi laid an egg today.
I am going to shave a calcium block into her food and keep her in my bedroom where it is quiet.
How long until I can take the egg away?

I know it is infertile -- both my birds are hens.


That sure does explain the territorial behavior doesn't it?  OK, leave the egg with her until she stops attending to it, or until you notice a crack or break or clear signs of it rotting

Check here under 'egg laying' for important info on how to deal with this