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Budgies Health

23 10:32:46

I have a female yellow budgie (lutino?) about 3 years old sharing a cage with a younger male cobalt. Whilst the cobalt is very lively and noisy the yellow has always been fairly quiet and docile. However recently she has taken to sleeping for large parts of the day, and this has now begun to worry us, She seems fine when she is awake, and there is nothing obviously wrong that we can see, and she seems to be eating and drinking as normal. Can you suggest anything we may need to do.

Hi, Colin.  Thanks for posting.

Parrots (your budgie is a parrot) are supposed to nap a good part of each day.  They play, preen, eat, and nap...this makes up most of a budgie's day.  Perhaps the young male is wearing the female out and she needs to nap more often.  However, you know your budgie better than I do and if you think she could be ill, take her to an avian veterinarian for a health evaluation.    
