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Blue and Gold odor?

23 10:33:00

the rescue was feeding him a hook bill parrot mix, but I am gradually correcting that daily.  I feed my birds fresh fruits, veges, parrot mix, millet, beak appetite, and what ever I am having for dinner, meaning, mashed potatoes, pizza, salad, turkey sandwich, cereal, etc.  I think you maybe right that he just needs a darn bath. I will try the plant sprayer with hot. I dont want to get him too mad at me until he actually likes me first.  Thank you!

Hi again, Susan.  I'm happy for you that you got your B&G!  

Go easy on the mashed potatoes, pizza, etc.  When a bird gets used to having junk food, sometimes they won't eat their healthy foods.  Macaws require extra fat in their diets, so keep this in mind.

You might want to spray him a little bit every day over a week or so or just drench him good once or twice.  Just be sure he doesn't get chilled.  Make a game of it if possible and perhaps he won't mind as much (have treats on hand when you're spraying him to reward him for being good).
