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Parrotlet itching

23 10:23:51

My 9 year old parrotlet has lost all it's tail feathers and they are not returning.  She is always itchy.  All her feathers on top are ok but under her wings and under her neck is now just skin.. I feel so bad for her because she can't sit quiet for a minute without it bugging her and has to pick.  She eats well and plays. Do you or anyone have any knowledge or had experience with this type of thing. I have a vet thurs.  

Sounds like she's got a parasite, more than likely a mite. Since there are several kinds of mites (and other parasites) a vet is absolutely necessary in order to do a skin scraping, biopsy and make a diagnosis.

Just in case you're wondering - no, those things you put on bird cages to eliminate these things do not work! They are actually very, very dangerous (we don't think they should even be on the market).

Do you cover her cage at night? If so, provide a light colored cover - and take a look at it in the morning. Examine nooks and crannies - you may find little 'pepper' looking spots. These are a type of mite. They attack the bird at night, but the allergen and ill effects last throughout the day when it goes on for a while.

Even if it's not this type of mite, there's the possibility of it being any one of many others.

Your vet may want to do a full blood panel, culture and even DNA profile - while it may sound costly - we strongly recommend you have it all done. The peace of mind that will last for years in having some diseases ruled out all at once, is incredible.  We have ALL of our rescues fully done the moment we get them and never have to wonder again.

Good luck with her - and let me know how this goes ok?

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