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my macaw poopooloo

23 10:15:23

hi, i have a question regarding my macaw. he's been making a funny sound these past few days. he sounds like he's congested when he breathes. it almost sounds like he has a cold. he seems healthy. he acts normal. i'm concerned, but i thought i would ask someone with a little more experience with macaws before becoming too concerned. i would appreciate any suggestions.


If he sounds congested, he is. He may just need his nostrils flushed, but he may be ill, so go to your vet. Unlike what most people believe, vets will NOT do tests that are unnecessary. I'm guessing that the vet will do a physical exam, and possibly take a fecal or mucus sample to see if the bird is ill or has allergies. This will NOT cost very much, so don't worry. Birds do act healthy until they really are critically ill, so the moment you notice symptoms, take the bird to the vet, or at least call the vet. Symptoms can be obvious things like sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea, but can be subtle things like being more vocal, changing attitude (aggressive or submissive) or droopy/dull eyes.