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really shy quaker

23 10:15:46

I just got my little quaker, im not sure what sex it is. It can eat on its own and everything, it is really really shy, it lets been handled but you have to grab it, it will not come to you for it gets frightened  easily or is extremely shy. It has not make one single noise, its very quiet. Will my quaker ever talk at all or get confortable, am worried that it will never change its behaviour. If so, how can i brake up the shyness?

Well it takes a lot of time for a bird to adjust to a new home. Quakers are not naturally afraid, so you really need to be careful with what you're doing! Don't just grab the bird as this will just teach the bird that it SHOULD be afraid of you. Just talk to it, feed it treats, leave the cage door open while you're home (if you're watching TV, working on the computer, etc) so that he can gradually decide to explore his new home. You really can't force this, and if you try, it will make the process take longer. The bird wont learn to talk until it decides that you are its family. Birds really only learn to talk to try to communicate with you. If the bird is afraid of you, it has no reason to want to communicate with you or make you happy, so it wont learn to talk.
Good luck, and remember not to rush! At the least, it takes 6 weeks for a bird to adjust!