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23 10:15:41

I am getting a military macaw for my husband for christmas.It was born aug 8 th We are going away for Christmas so he will be getting a  scrap book with pictures  and was told that it may not be weaned by then completely anyway.
My husband took care of a macaw 10 years ago or so for about 3 years and still talks about that bird so I have wanted to do this for  him the last 5 years since I have known him. I go almost every day and play with the bird . HE or she seems so calm goes to any one  cant perch real good yet but I want it to love the whole family not just bond with me figure it will be about 5 months when we bring it home will it still have time to bond with my husband and step son  and be able to go to others what else can

i so to socialize it AM Letting other people see pet and touch it any info would be helpful as this is our 1 St and I am trying to be a good [ parent] and do research thank you

What a beautiful and responsible way to begin your lifetime with this bird!  Since you've got approximately 50-65 years ahead of you with him/her, keep this in mind when you think a bad habit has set in.  You've got a lifetime ahead of you to change any behavior that you don't care for - as long as it's not part of a bird's nature that is.

 Right from the beginning take your bird with you when you go out.  I strongly suggest you get him/her used to a birdy harness (aka: flight suit) - and once your bird learns to fly  (in home), a wing clipping should be maintained.  I like having them learn to fly in order to help with their confidence and emotional development. Many professionals indicate they can learn this confidence with a 'baby clip' of the wings, where they don't get any lift upon flight, but can achieve a decent lateral distance and gentle landing.  As he/she gets older, a better wing clip should strictly limit distance, but always allow for a gentle landing.
 Initial blood/genetic screening must, must, must be done ok?  This not only establishes a relationship with a vet you're going to rely on for life, but it gives you the definite gender of the bird which is important.  With females you need to always be on guard for egg laying (or egg binding).

Check my site for more about bird issues, care and continuing to do the right things as you've already begun.

I'm here for you anytime!