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African Grey turning red

23 10:35:08

Hi Maggie,

I have a happy healthly 6 year old African Grey female ( I think ) who since the spring has developed a large number of bright red (tail colour) feathers all over her wings and body. Is this normal - am I doing something wrong?, diet etc ( she loves carrots and other veg ) Appreciate your view - I can sent a pic if required.

Regards, Chas.

HI Chas,

The food your grey eats would not affect her coloring. I have seen some greys with lots of unusal red coloring all over their body. The particular bird I'm thinking of didn't have all of his red until after many molts.  This red coloring on other parts of the body (other than the tail) is actually highly prized by breeders (because it is a rare occurance and birds with this coloring can be sold for more money).

However, if you are concerned about your bird's plumage or developement... I would recommend calling an avian vet.

I hope this helps.
