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How to tame a RingNeck ?

23 10:23:18

Hello.How to tame a Lutino Ringneck.I bought him a month ago from a breeder.The guy said the bird is about 8 months old and was hand fed. When i brought him home i tried not to handle him for about a week-so he'll get used to his new home. But even now -a month later- the bird seems to be scared of hands and doesn't let me handle him at all.Every time i change his food and water he jumps off his perch and flaps around in the corner of the cage-no matter how careful i try to do it.I put the cage next to my computer desk where i spend most of my time hoping he'll get used to me. I talk to him and tried offering him treats but the result still the same.Please help me. I don't know what to do.  

Hello Marina and thank you for your post.
I have a cockatiel that is almost 11 years old (she was 8 years old when I got her) and she had not been socialized at all.  Here is what I did, and now she will step up, ride around on my shoulder while I am feeding most of my other animals.
Cut back on your bird's food a bit, and try to coax your bird with the food dish.  It'll take awhile for your bird to come around, but with patience and consistency, it will work.

Feel free to come back with any more questions.

Good luck and God Bless.