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Ringneck Strange Behaviour

23 10:17:49


I have a green ringneck which is almost 2 years old. I am assuming it is a female as it has not developed a ring yet. She has a strange tendency to only be in our bathroom cupboard. She takes possession of it and no one can enter the bathroom cos she will bite. If we taker her away from it she will scream til she is allows to go back in there. She has done this in other cupboards as well. Its like its the only thing she wants from the time she is awake til we force her into a cage at nite to sleep.

Can this beahviour be explained ?

This is a type of territorialism that often occurs with cages and is called being "cage bound". A bird will sometimes refuse to leave their cage, even when there's no reason whatsoever for the behavior. Sometimes it's explainable in that the bird suffered a trauma outside the cage, like a run in with a dog, cat or human that wasn't pleasant.
Other times it's a female that is trying to "nest".

In any case, it's by far the better choice to not let this happen, discourage it as much as possible.
 Get her out of the bathroom, cupboards or wherever she's choosing to be and ignore her screaming about it. Like a child having a temper tantrum, if you give in, she's only learning that SHE'S in control.

 My site has suggestions at dealing with bird screaming (not enough room here) so take a look and let me know how this goes.  You CAN do this.