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Bearded Ring Neck Parrots

23 10:18:23

Hi Maggie.  We have two bearded ring-neck parrots.  They look so different from each other.  One has a black beak and appears to be older.  The other has an orange and yellow beak (almost looks like a piece of candy corn).  Do you know how to tell what sex they may be?  We've been told different things.  We just don't want to have to pay someone to tell us.  Thank you.

I have never heard of a bearded ringneck parakeet before. (I believe though that you are referring to either African or Indian Ringneck parakeets... or to a Mustache Parakeet). In Indian or African Ringnecks, here is information on how to sex them visually:

"Ringneck parakeets are sexually dimorphic, usually at two to three years of age--meaning that the sex of a Ringneck can be determined by its coloring. Sometimes sex cannot be identified until the bird reaches this age due to the time it takes for younger birds to show their final coloring. In appearance, they are exceptionally striking birds, with the males having a more dominant neck ring than that sported by the female."

This text was taking from an article online. You can see the entire article (and photos of the birds) here:

For Mustache Parakeets, here is information on sexing males/females: "The Mustache Parakeet is perhaps most famous for its moustache-like markings on the sides of its face. These black markings really do resemble a moustache! They are a medium sized parrot, averaging 13 inches in length (33 centimeters) and 100 to130 grams in weight at maturity. The male Mustache Parakeet has green plumage with a grey head. They have pretty markings on their heads and faces. The area around the eyes is greenish and their heads have a pretty bluish tinge. They have a thin line over their foreheads and wide stripes on their cheeks. They have beautiful pink plumage on their breasts, throat and upper abdomens, making them very attractive birds. They have colorful wings and red bills. Females generally have a duller pink color on their chests and their middle tail feathers are shorter than the male's feathers. Their shorter tails, light pink bills, and the incomplete cheek stripes easily distinguish immature individuals."

You can see photos, and the entire article at this weblink:

I hope this helps answer your questions.
