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budgey pretadors

23 10:20:40

I used to have a small female budgei, but one day I came to find her with a huge "bite" on the right side of her neck!(of coarse she was dead)It was absolutely devastating! Do have you any idea what sort of budgey predator might live in Pinellas Park,FL?  

Hello Laura,

I'm not sure I understand how predator got to your budgie. Was your bird in a cage? Was your bird outside in an aviary or cage? Any predator that eats meat and is as large or larger than your budgie would find a budgie and appealing snack. However a predator would not have left the budgie and would have done a lot more damage than a single bite.

What lead you to believe it was a bite wound? Could the hole have been cause by a cage mate, a toy, or a broken part of the cage wiring? The right side of the neck would be the crop. Did your bird have a crop infection? What do your feed your birds? I have seen birds fill up with grit or gravel (which should not be part of a budgie's diet) and cause the crop to tear. Without a necropsy done by an avian veterinarian it is difficult to determine exactly what caused the death of your bird.
