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Parrotlet Behavior

23 10:30:47

a month ago a blue male pacfic parrotlet flew into our kitchen.  After noone came forward to claim him we decided to keep him.  We have bought him a large cage and he has lots of toys we give him the spray millet and parrot mix recommended. I have give him fresh fruit and veg daily and he does not touch this is this normal?  He also does not want to come out of his cage or use his bird bath?
He is however quite vocal he he will chirp away when i have the hover or the music on and does seem quite comfortable in his cage.
Please Advise.  

Thanks for asking about this. It means you really want to do the right thing and are willing to work for it - I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this!

Some legends say a bird like this carries a spirit into your home ( a good one ) and you're privileged & blessed if it wants to stay.

OK, so let's address the food first. The best diets for these guys is a pelleted one.  At first you may think they're costly, but the diseases and health complications they help prevent over time absolutely make them worth it.  Even as a rescue/rehab organization with always too few funds, we supply pelleted food to all residents.
Seed mixes (without sunflower seeds) are good supplements to give a couple times a week (ours get it on the weekends).

When it comes to fruits and veggies, it's not unusual for them to be picky - you've just got to be creative.  An apple or banana slice with a thin coat of peanut butter might do the trick - hanging a leaf of kale from the top or corner might look more 'natural' to him - one of our macaws won't touch a banana unless we give it to her IN the peel. She wants to take it out herself :)

This link will help you with the pellet conversion:  

As for the cage, it's important that you get him to come regularly.  It's far too easy for a bird to become "cage bound". So used to being in there, that they don't ever want to come out and may become aggressive.  

Make an event out of "out of cage time" every day. Most bird owners provide no less than 2 hours a day and up to 12 hours 'out of cage'.   

Where do you put him?  There are many portable perch options (most of us just make our own). I have a couple plant hooks in our ceiling (in studs or using mollybolts to guarentee security) and from them we hang "boingys" - twisty rope perches that the birds enjoy bouncing and climbing on.  We place newspaper underneath for droppings and hang a couple chewy "wood" toys - and they love being out with their people this way.

You'll certainly come up with something - you seem quite determined.

Take a look at our site for more bird tips (be sure to have this guy's wings clipped first thing, by a professional who can show you how - it's his flight that got him lost to begin with).

Good luck with him and God bless!