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Parrot, Amazon (orange wing) Behavior

23 10:35:16

Nothing has changed in our house, but our Amazon does nothing but squake.  He use to talk alot, whistle, watch TV, now if you leave the room he is very nervious and squakes all the time you are out of the room.  He is just over 3 years old.  Don't know what changed him but he is driving us crazy.

Thank You

Hi Sue,

  I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond. My home computer crashed for good a few months ago and because I work outside I am very rarely at my computer at work.

 Are you absolutely sure that nothing has changed in your house? Have you rearranged furniture, changed his cage location, had a change in work schedule? Are you spending less time with him than you used to? I went through this with one of my own birds a few years ago and it took a lot of looking before I realized that it was the fact that my neighbor had cut two trees in his front yard that was making my bird nervous.

If you indeed can not find anything different that might be upsetting him, I would get him in to see a certified avian vet for a health check. Maybe something is making him physically uncomfortable. Big behavior changes can often mean there is an underlying health problem. The only other idea that I have is that at age 3 he is just coming in to his sexual maturity and this may be a new behavior for him. If that is the case try giving him some new toys or some interesting foods to occupy him when you are out of his sight. Do not yell at him for squawking as this will only make things worse. See if maybe you can establish a whistle or whisper that will let him know you are still home. I do this with my Blue Front.

 Best of luck to you. Let me know how things turn out.
