Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Toxic Iron?

Toxic Iron?

23 10:12:51

Thank you for your quick reply, my roommate has another concern that I
would like to have your opinion on.  I read that irons and ironing
boards have polytetraflourethylene which is toxic, my potential
roommate for next year irons, how harmful is that?  If she irons in
her room with the door closed and a window open will the rest of the
apartment still be safe for my bird, or should I reconsider living
arrangements?  Thank you very much for all your help, I would really
be crushed if something happened to my bird due to my faults.  

That's an absolute "yes" it's dangerous.  Not just irons though, but re-evaluate your toaster oven, crock pots, bread machines and of course all cooking tools, including pots and pans.  No teflon or teflon-like material should even be in the home.

While ironing as you describe is probably safe, there's still an increased possibility of toxic reaction.  Rather than move - just be sure to watch the bird for any sort of sneezing, excessive drinking, change in droppings, unsteadiness, etc..  If these things happen, getting the bird higher oxygen levels will be necessary, even if means going outside (without, of course, exposing the bird to intense cold).

Always have a vet you know and who knows your bird - ready to go to in case of emergency.  They have oxygen containers and other options in place for airborne toxicities to birds.

You have no faults that I see and I'm more than happy to answer whatever questions you may have.  It's nice to find a caring and very responsible owner like you!