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Wing Clipping

23 10:00:53


We have a 1 year old male lovebird (Alfie) and have encountered a problem when clipping his wings.

On one side (left) some of the 'pin' feathers on the outside of the wing bleed whenever we trim them. We are not cutting them too short at all and have absolutely no problems with the other wing. In order to stop this bleeding we are having to try and 'burn' it closed with a small soldering iron.

We got him with his wings clipped and it works for us that he doesn't fly. We did at one time decide to let them grow but came home from work to find that he had managed to break one of them off (at an angle) and that it had bled quite a lot.

We only want what is best for him we would like some advice as to maybe how we could avoid this bleeding or any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Thanks for your question.
The reason to this is that birds are very fragile and all you can do is wait until that feather which is a root feather gets replaced with a new one because pulling it out can make it bleed more if pulled worngly and wing trimming will cause it bleed even more. Therefore, i recommend you wait until it falls naturally and use the "jingle bird shower" which offers sufficient amount of vitamin for a shiny glossy skin. You can check it out on how it looks like on google to be able to purchase it in shops. We also have it on our fb page named bird tameness. If you are not willing to wait then take it to a vet and they will most probably know what to do. I had the same situation with my albino cockatiel who had a blood feather which bleeded each time he jumped or flew or had his frights at night although i kept no sharp toys and minimized the toys in his big cage. I showered him regularly and each time it bleeded i applied powder form , ethanol and jungle shower. The most annoying thing is that it stained pure red then brown on his pure white feathers but eventuall in around 3 weeks it went with following those prcedures. Make sure u minimise amount of toys and remove all sharp toys in the cage.

Subscribe and like my channel which will help a lot in taming and training named "Parrot whisperer"
