Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > Love Bird REGURGITATING


23 10:29:55

I have a Male Love bird and he is almost 7,,,,,,  The past 8 months his regurgitating  has gotten to the place that I am sure it will begin to effect his health,,,,,,,  It is everywhere,,,,,,, His seed comsumption has tripled in the past month and he drinks more water than you can imagine, I refill his  water dish at least 4 times a day,,,  This stuff is everywhere,, on the counter tops, backs of chairs not to mention his cage,,  When I just cannot deal with cleaning up after him I put him in his cage,,  but it goes on and on,,, He "whines" when his seed dish is empty and I have to refill it,,,,,,,,  He mates with everything,, table, counter, dolls, chair backs and then regurgitates ALL DAY,, from 8 in the morning till I put him up at 8.......  He is no longer a pet as he never sits with me,,,,,,  I hear that there is a shot that will stop this,,,, is it true,,,  I hate for him to be like this and I will never again have a single Love bird,,,,,,  He needs another bird,,,,,,,,,,,,,  His name is Moses and he is my buddy , but I am sure he is not happy,,, always looking for a place to mate or something to feed,,,,,,,,,,,  Any suggestions?

it sounds like he may be wanting a mate as he is at breeding age. Also try giving him some bird vitamins in his water dish. Is he getting any veggies, also try some pellets. Try changing his food around if that dose not work you may want to think of getting a female but if you don't want another bird I would suggest bring him to the vet something maybe wrong inside of him.
I hope this helps you if you have anymore ?S just ask.
also if you can please give me a rating.