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Lost parakeet

23 10:33:00

Hello Tara.
Walking to work this morning I saw a beautiful parakeet, possibly a rosella parakeet, pecking about in the grass. I approached it and it came very close to my hand. It's obviously an escaped pet. I live in the English Midlands and the weather is getting warmer here, so I presume it will be OK living wild for at least six months. However will it be attacked by other birds as it's a totally alien species and will it survive when winter comes ? Apparently there are quite large flocks of parakeets in southern England, where the winters are a little milder than here, all year round. I'd like to catch it and keep it as a pet, I've had budgies before.

Hello Mark and thank you for your questions, I highly reccomend trying to catch him and bring him indoor ther are just to many things that he could harm hisself with out there and o he wouldnt survive the winter, if possible try find his owners I sure someone is missing him dearly, good luck with him, if you need any info on care oif diferet parakeet types or weblinks feel free to ask.